NDIS Plan Management

Make the most of your NDIS funds with the support of our friendly, expert team

How it works:

Plan Management allows you to control your plan without actually having to pay the bills. It is the NDIS registered Plan Manager who undertakes the full process, from receipt of invoices from your service providers, through to lodging in the NDIA portal, and finally payment to your service provider. We also have a fantastic understanding of what you can use your plan for, including things you may never have realised.

All of this is done at no cost to you, as you will receive funding for this via your NDIS plan, under the “Improved Life Choices” section. We make things simple for you, so you can concentrate on the important aspects of the plan.

The NDIS cannot refuse your request for plan management, and it doesn’t come out of any other funding you receive, so why not include plan management in your next plan, so you can be the advocate your loved one needs.

A plan manager can help you:

  • increase your financial and plan management skills
  • learn how to self-manage your plan
  • pay providers
  • increase your choice of providers
  • get NDIS plan budget reports and greater budget oversight.
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How can I have plan management?

At your planning meeting you can tell NDIS staff that you would like a plan manager to support you.

The NDIS will include funding in your plan to pay for your plan manager. This is separate from your other services and supports in your budget.

We’re Here to help

If you are mid-plan and want to change, contact us on 0422 800 923 to discuss how you can include plan management in your plan.